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Títulos, 2015

               Títulos [Titles] consists of the work presented within the scope of the Paço das Artes Artistic Residency Program/2015. I seek to problematize the notions of knowledge exchange and crossings based on my experience as an artist and teacher, related to the invitation to read, argue and guide  Papers of Interdisciplinary Graduation, Papers on Educational Intervention, End of course assignments, Specialization Monographs, Reports on Master’s Qualification, Master’s Dissertations and Doctorate Thesis of artists and educators, in different educational institutions, between 2006 and 2015. 

Work of works – Works of work

              It consists of 190 works (covering all the types already mentioned) catalogued, grouped, tied together and pierced by a circular slit 8 centimeters in diameter, from one end to the other, therefore, collected in the construction of a “body”, whose design, based on its different dimensions, heights, widths, thicknesses, textures, surfaces, bindings, writings, fonts, colored spines also evokes a skyline. These monographic works are supported by metal racks fixed between the beams and the floor of the space, alluding to a library shelf. The work includes a list of surnames, names, titles, cities, institutions, year, types of papers related to these 190 volumes, as a bibliographic reference, in this case organized chronologically and, in a way, almost mirroring the “design” of the volumes in the “shelf".

              Títulos consists, as mentioned, in the construction of this body formed by exchanges of knowledge and different authors, artists, educators. It is a work that brings together different works: work of works – the process of reading, guidance, argumentation, reflection and analysis of each of these “monographs”; works of work – different “monographs” that constitute a work of art. 

              Part of the core of these volumes was then removed – the part that is in me –, as happened in the work Pau-Brasil, carried out in 2014 – whose title with the use of the hyphen is intentional. A cut was made in the original book with a special knife in the strip that reads Order and Progress on the Brazilian flag and that, in the case of the cover of the book by Oswald de Andrade (1890-1954), illustrated by Tarsila do Amaral (1886-1973 ), reads Pau Brasil, crossing it with a brazilwood log (“pau brasil” in Portuguese). The procedures of appropriation, cutting and editing, added to the operations that take the notion of crossing as an object, are recurrent in my production since Saltando de banda, 2003.

             Títulos was presented in the Artistic Residency Program, proposed by a cultural institution located in a University City. Added to this information is the fact that this “city” also has an art school. This is the school where I carried out my postgraduate studies (master's and doctorate) and which also gave me the title to work as an educator in higher education. In my opinion, something of a circular movement occurs there, insofar as it can be said that, in this project, “the land is returned to the land itself”, in an almost metalinguistic way, something from the place to the place itself.

             I believe that these questions met those of Títulos also due to the fact that the work brings with it works that can also be understood as synthesis exercises related to content, skills, knowledge, experiences and, above all, the education of artists and educators.

Thiago Honório, October 2015.

Work Details

[Titles], 2015
90 Papers of Interdisciplinary Graduation, Papers on Educational Intervention, End of course assignments, Specialization Monographs, Reports on Master’s Qualification, Master’s Dissertations and Doctorate Thesis to which the artist was invited either as an advisor or as an arguer as a member of the examining board, as titular or substitute, in different educational institutions, between 2006 and 2015, tied to one another and perforated with a central cut; wood support and metal cogwheels fixated between the floor and the beans of the room.
260 x 270 x 30 cm
102 3/8 x 106 5/16 x 11 13/16 in

Study for Títulos, 2015
Colored pencil on graph paper
165 x 30 cm
6 1/2 x 11 13/16 in

Study for Títulos, 2015
Graphite on graph paper
175 x 42 cm
68 7/8 x 16 9/16 in

Museu de Arte Brasileira - MAB Collection

photo: Edouard Fraipont


Palavras somam,
Museu de Arte Brasileira - MAB/Faap, SP, 2019
Paço das Artes, SP, 2015

© thiago honório 2025
by estúdio roda