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Tête-à-Tête, 2012

                 Tête-à-Tête is a diptych formed by two country deer antlers that emerge from carcasses screwed into types of varnished wooden corbels on which engraved methacrylate plaques are affixed.

                  Each cut wooden surface then brings with it a horn with a methacrylate plate containing the word “tête” engraved on it. On an intermediate plate the inscription “à”. This plaque was affixed directly to the wall between the two wooden corbels, thus separating the word “tête” present on both corbels.

                  Part of the material used in the construction of Tête-à-Tête was found in the Marché aux Puces, in Saint-Ouen, Porte de Clignancourt, a large “flea market” located in a peripheral neighborhood of Paris, during the period of residency at the Cité des Arts.

                  Tête-à-Tête also emphasizes a relationship with the stuffed material present in historical-scientific museums, the ideas of exhibition and display, already explored previously in my production, since at least Exposição (2007), by also evoking showcases and trophies.

                  The arrangement is placed on the wall at head height for a spectator of average height. Instead of each horn being positioned one in front of the other, I chose to place them side by side. In this way, Tête-à-Tête calls into question, in addition to the parallelism of the gaze in relation to the observer, a head-to-head, face-to-face relationship between it and its elements. It is possible to have a relationship of solitude in front of work, also marked by the individualized relationship with each of its elements. 

Thiago Honório, July 2012.

Work Details

, 2012

Two pairs of deer's horns, two wood consoles and three ingraved methacrylate plates
23 x 33 x 2 cm (each console)

photo: Edouard Fraipont

© thiago honório 2025
by estúdio roda