The Red Studio, 2014-2019
The studio is the body.
The studio is a body.
The studio is my body.
The studio is aBRASIve.
The studio is the universe.
The studio as matter.
The moving studio, transportable, transplantable.
The reverse.
The inside.
The red studio.
The studio at the edge of the skin.
The studio in the living flesh: skinned, scalped.
L’atelier rouge. And “the studio can also be hell”*.
ABRASIve sandpapers used by me and three other professionals in the renovation of my studio and residence were transplanted to the ISCP/NY studio in an artistic residency. Another body, another painting, another work. The studio as a place of tension, imagination, “exile”.
Thiago Honório, dezembro de 2018.
* SALZSTEIN, Sônia. Uma pintura de interiores. In: SALZSTEIN, Sônia (org.). Matisse: Imaginação | Erotismo | Visão decorativa. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2009.
Work Details
The Red Studio II, 2014-2019
Walls of the artist’s studio in ISCP/NY (2019) coated with sandpaper used in the reconstruction of his residence and studio in São Paulo (2014), during the period of artistic residency.
312 sq ft. 17’ 9” X 17’ 7”
photo: OnWhiteWall
The Red Studio, ISCP/NYC, Nova York, EUA, 2018