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Tarsivaldo I, II, III, 2017-2022

               Tarsivaldo I, II, III are three unique works, each formed by three facsimiles of the book Pau Brasil, from 1925, by Oswald de Andrade, taking as a principle the operation contained in the motherboard work that I carried out in 2017, also entitled Tarsivaldo. “Tarsivaldo” is the nickname given by Mário de Andrade to the couple Tarsila do Amaral and Oswald de Andrade, in a poem he wrote for them and written on December 7, 1925.
              The works, in some way, present the characters that form this modernist trio, juxtaposed, glued to each other, like the name-title-collage Tarsivaldo – “until it gets really sticky”, as Mário says in the poem Tarsivaldo, written in the same year Oswald published the book Pau Brasil.
              In the case of my work Tarsivaldo and Tarsivaldo I, II, III, in addition to the collage of the three facsimiles, at once overlapping and disarranged, cuts were made in each of the three books, crossing them – where the banner of the Brazilian flag has the inscription “Order and Progress” and the cover illustrated by Tarsila reads “Pau Brasil” – leaving them hollow. The cut piercing them brings to the surface of the works a process linked to violence, voids and losses related to the colonial period.

Thiago Honório, May 2022.

Work  Details

I, II, III, 2017-2022
Facsimiles of Oswald de Andrade’s book “Pau Brasil” (1925) with cover made Tarsila do Amaral; cut and glued together
23,5 x 13 x 2,5 cm
21 x 21 x 2,5 cm
19 x 22,5 x 2,5 cm

photo: Edouard Fraipont


Biblioteca Mário de Andrade, SP, 2024

Brasil futuro: as formas da democracia, Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR, RJ, 2024
Brasil futuro: as formas da democracia, Centro Cultural Solar Ferrão, BA, 2023
Brasil futuro: as formas da democracia, Casa das 11 Janelas, PA, 2023
Brasil futuro: as formas da democracia, Museu Nacional da República, DF, 2023

© thiago honório 2025
by estúdio roda