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Pintura de parede, 2013-2021

                 The Wall Painting series began in November 2013, in the context of an artistic residency held in a historic building in downtown São Paulo, which was being restored at the same time that my residence and studio were also being renovated. It ended up generating a set of paintings made with abrasive sandpaper of different grammages, used in the renovation of my studio and my residence, discarded, produced in different formats, however, observing the mesh evoked by the marking itself, the folds, the creases and cuts made individually on each sheet of sandpaper, in the very act of using them, a procedure learned from a wall painter for better management and usage of material area.

                 There is a sort of “mirroring” in the work not only due to the folds made on each of the sandpaper sheets – for their use and friction on the surface of the painted walls –, but also the mirroring referring to the idea of ​​residences under renovation and construction in real time. The building of the artistic residency related to the moment in which the work Wall Painting was being done was under construction, in the process of being restored, at the same time as my residence-house. There is, then, in the construction of this painting, a kind of transplantation of surfaces.

                 This series also unfolded in the installations The Red Studio I, 2014-2018, and The Red Studio II, 2014-2019, presented as part of an artistic residency held at the International Studio and Curatorial Program – ISCP, in New York, between December 2018 and March 2019.

                 From 2019 onwards, the paintings were also explored in small formats. This more intimate scale considers the division made in each sandpaper unit, into 4 parts, based on creases and folds and their different grammages. It is made of recycled scraps of these sandpapers, and was produced during the Covid-19 quarantine period, between March 2020 and May 2021, a time in which the idea of contact and surface was not what it used to be.

                The work also presents in its physical evidence a confusion that seems to leave a question in suspense: what is painting and work in this work? Wall painting, the surface of the painted architectural wall, the surface of the painting of a more gestural nature constructed by the expressive stains present on the worn, torn, punctured, creased, exfoliated and rubbed surfaces of sandpaper?

               A comment on painting.

Thiago Honório, March 2021.

Work Details

Pintura de parede [Wall Painting]
, 2013-2021
Worn out sandpapers used to paint the walls of the residence and studio of the artist, in São Paulo, during the period of artistic residency
109 x 178 cm [diptych]
54,3 x 44,3 cm
27,1 x 22,2 cm
13,3 x 10,7 cm
13,3 x 21,4 cm [corner]

photo: Edouard Fraipont, Nico Vidal

Pintura de parede [Wall Painting], 2013-2018
Worn out sandpapers used to paint the walls of the residence and studio of the artist, in São Paulo, during the period of artistic residency
164 x 223 cm [diptych]
110 x 88,4 cm
54 x 45 cm

photo: Edouard Fraipont

Pintura de parede [Wall Painting], 2013-2014
Worn out sandpapers used to paint the walls of the residence and studio of the artist, in São Paulo, during the period of artistic residency
300 x 275 cm

photo: Edouard Fraipont


, Piero Acthugarry Gallery, UY, 2023

Arte, Cidade e Patrimônio: futuro e memória nas poéticas
, Centro Cultural Oi Futuro, RJ, 2021
Alessandra Domingues, Chico Togni, Fabiana Faleiros, Raquel Uendi,
Rodopho Parigi e Thiago Honório
, Red Bull Station, SP, 2014

© thiago honório 2025
by estúdio roda