Exposição I, 1999-2007
Exposição I (Exhibition I) concerns the demonstrative procedure of the act of exhibiting: why, among the infinitely variable objects that surround us, should some have more rights to vision than others? Two ideas that constitute the work are those of surface and limit – everything that is capable of arousing our interest is, at the same time, everything that is soon lost and undifferentiated on a large surface. In this “still life” that is Exposição I, I believe that a kind of disappearance of each object is present, and this disappearance, paradoxically, would occur through the emphatic exposure of what all objects have that is most unavoidable – their surface.
Thiago Honório, February 2009.
Work Details
Exposição I [Exhibition I], 1999-2007
photo: Edouard Fraipont
Exposição, Palácio das Artes, MG, 2011
Realidades imprecisas, SESC Pinheiros, SP, 2009
Exposição, Galeria Virgilio, SP, 2007