Estudo para Visto, 2024
The eye drawn with watercolored pencils from the Study for Visto series (2023-2024), presented on sheets of rosewood (jacaranda wood), is based on the observation of realistic eyes commonly produced by popular saint makers for the so-called roca head images (holy or religious statuette) or dressing images, on a 1:1 natural scale.
The eyes shown in the Study for Visto series or the eye with monocular vision in these drawings present themselves in types of volutes, masks. They start from the research of fragments of baroque carvings from Minas Gerais, which someway, in case of these drawings, adorn a type of “eye-amulet” or a baroque jewel.
These masks or carvings are in dialogue with the assembly of the drawings on rosewood veneers and boxes. Within the knots and veins of the jacaranda tree – a tree that symbolizes wisdom – it is also possible to see eyes.
“Visto”, which can be translated as “Seen”, evokes the shuffling of the relationship between the one who sees and the one who is seen, between the one who looks and the one who is looked at. In Portuguese, the word "seen" has a double meaning: it is the past participle of the verb “ to see" and the first person singular of the verb “to dress".
Thiago Honório, March 19, 2024.
Work Details
Study for Visto, 2023-2024
Watercolor pencils on graph paper; Brazilian rosewood veneer
15,5 x 25,5cm
photo: Edouard Fraipont