Disposição, 2016
São Paulo, February 16, 2016.
Between one being and another there is an abyss, a discontinuity. This abyss is located, for example, between you who listen to me and I who speak to you. We try to communicate, but no communication between us can suppress a first difference. If you die, I'm not the one who dies. We are, you and I, discontinuous beings. (...) we are discontinuous beings, individuals who die in isolation in an unintelligible adventure, but we are nostalgic for lost continuity (...)*.
Dear Alexander, Bianca, Cleo, Júlia, Karola, Luccas, Luiza, Maristela, Natasha, Paula, Santarosa and Selene,
I write this letter the day before the work-exercise-challenge that I propose to you. This is a work designed with Ana Paula at the end of 2015, which I will talk about now.
Disposição (Disposition) consists of a movement of arranging energies, matters, materials, objects, accumulations, collections, works previously started, unfinished, interrupted, in different statuses, but far from emancipation in any public sphere. These are objects-collections-works created by me over the last 15 years and rescued from archives, deposits and storage. Disposição occurs, therefore, in the act of making such objects available for choice, continuity, discontinuity, resignification in the light of the poetics of each of you, your works, your modus operandi. The process starts from a death which, in this case, is also life, since these objects will be open to other experiences, other states of mind, other forces, energies, references, others, in short, in the plural. To some extent, this “sharing” is also a challenge of placing you, artists, members of Agosto**, in the hands of a professional to whom I will entrust you, in this case, the curator and professor Ana Paula Cohen. From this, and in Disposição, with her sensitivity, rigor and own methodology, Ana Paula will work with you throughout the first half of 2016.
My work ends where yours begins with Ana Paula. Paulo Freire (1921-1997) once said that “where there is life, there is incompleteness. (…) the incompleteness of being or its inconclusion is characteristic of the vital experience”***. There is incompleteness in the various meetings of all the objects present in Disposição, which will now be doomed to fusion. They will, discontinuous as they are, have other continuities. You are facing a death that, at the same time, is life, in you, in a Batallian principle and movement.
I wish everyone a great work!
Thiago Honório
* In: BATAILLE, Georges. O erotismo. Porto Alegre: L&PM, 1987, p. 12-15.
** Artistic orientation group that I coordinate, formed in August 2014. At the time the text was written, the members were: Alexander Dejonghe, Bianca Abad, Cleo Döbberthin, Júlia Milaré, Karola Braga, Luccas Iatauro, Luiza Gottschalk, Maristela Cabello, Natasha Ganme, Paula Scavazzini, Santarosa Barreto and Selene Alge.
*** FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogia da autonomia. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 1996, p. 50.
Work Details
Disposição [Disposition], 2016
28 unfinished works developed by the artist for 15 years, in different languages, medias and supports available to be chosen by 12 artists, members of the group Agosto
In collaboration with the curator Ana Paula Cohen and the artists Alexander Dejonghe, Bianca Abad, Cleo Döbberthin, Júlia Milaré, Karola Braga, Luccas Iatauro, Luiza Gottschalk, Maristela Cabello, Natasha Ganme, Paula Scavazzini, Santarosa Barreto and Selene Alge
Variable dimensions
photo: Edouard Fraipont
Artist’s studio, SP, 2016